Developing a weekly or monthly social media schedule helps you plan ahead and know what content you need to capture and create. You can assign each day to someone on your team to create the post. Schedule what you can ahead of time, especially for the weekends! Here are 7 ideas for creating a weekly social media plan!
Download Samples: Communication Plan | Social Media Plan | Resource Guide
Sunday | Stories
Live, behind the scenes, sermon quotes, worship songs Sunday recap
Capture all of your photo and video content for the week!
Monday | Instruct
Create a carousel post of the key points or scriptures from Sunday message
Tuesday | Inspire
Post a 60 second clip from the message or encouraging devotional
Wednesday | Interact
Ask a question, prayer, use a sticker poll or slider on stories
Thursday | Involve
Highlight next steps, baptism, life groups, serving opportunities, or events
Friday | Inform
Share something fun, seasonal, what’s happening this Sunday
Saturday | Invite
Elegant, creative ways to invite people to church
Bonus: Download a social media planner template! Weekly Template Monthly Template