Pastor Mark Jobe

  1. God enjoys using the small and the weak to accomplish his great and powerful purposes.
  2. To walk ahead of God indicates pride and self-reliance, to walk too far behind indicates fear and doubt, to walk in step requires surrender and trust.
  3. Never underestimate the power of passionate and persistent prayer and fasting.
  4. God promises resistance to the proud and arrogant but flows in grace filled favor to the humble of heart.
  5. The more we are willing to release the more room we make for increase.
  6. Your harvest is in direct proportion to the amount of seeds you sow and the stewardship of that harvest.
  7. Choose your inner circle carefully and cultivate that team consistently.
  8. Guard carefully what you allow to linger near your heart because your legacy is determined by it.
  9. We will always have needs but we must battle the impulse of taking on a needy mindset.
  10. The church belongs to God so He gets both the glory and the weight of ownership.