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The first and most difficult role of a leader is leading yourself. Second, is developing and leading a team around you. Here are ten ways to effectively lead your team.

  1. Seek God and keep your own fire
  2. Clarify and localize the vision
  3. Recruit team members into clarity
  4. Learn the gifting and personalities of each team member
  5. Define the essential role of each person on the team
  6. Operate on the 3 goals and 3 month principle
  7. Celebrate weekly progress and coach through challenges
  8. Deal with relational problems transparently and quickly
  9. Invest in growth opportunities for each team member
  10. Periodically get away to dream, plan and pray

A C T I O N   S T E P S :
1. Write down on paper your current leadership team including roles and responsibilities.
2. Write down the vision for the team you want to have in place by September.
3. Review the Leadership Lesson and identify one point you need to implement immediately.