As we embark on this significant season of fasting and prayer, it is crucial for us as leaders and elder couples to be fully engaged and committed. This is not merely a scheduled event but a deliberate and fervent pursuit of God. Throughout the history of New Life Community Church, every major breakthrough has been preceded by such seasons. This year, our international congregations in Spain, Mexico, Nicaragua, Peru, Cuba, and Chile are joining us in this spiritual endeavor, highlighting the unity and shared purpose across our church.

We are witnessing encouraging signs of spiritual awakening, both within our church and across the nation. Over the past two years, more than 1,000 individuals have come to Christ, been mentored, and baptized—a testament to the Spirit of God moving among us. This awakening is not confined to our church; it is a broader movement, with sparks of revival igniting across the country. As believers, we are called to live filled with the Spirit, regardless of the cultural climate, and to pray for an extraordinary move of God that transcends the walls of the church.

James chapter 4 provides a roadmap for spiritual renewal, emphasizing the importance of humility and grace. God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble. Pride is a subtle yet deadly sin that can repel the grace of God. As we enter this season, we must examine our hearts, ensuring we are not repelling God’s grace through pride. True spiritual authority and power come from submission to God, and fasting serves as an intensifier of prayer, reminding us of our weakness and dependence on God.

1. Come Under

The first step towards spiritual renewal is to recognize and come under the grace of God. James 4:6 tells us, “But he gives more grace.” This grace is unmerited favor, a gift from God that we cannot earn. It’s essential to understand that while we cannot deserve grace, we can repel it through pride. The verse continues, “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.” As we enter this season, let’s examine our hearts and ask ourselves: Are we drawing God’s grace, or are we repelling it through pride?

2. Come Closer

The second point emphasizes the importance of drawing near to God. James 4:8 states, “Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you.” This is a beautiful promise that when we take steps towards God, He responds with open arms. Just like the father in the parable of the prodigal son, God is always looking for us to return to Him. As we fast and pray, let’s take intentional steps to seek His presence and experience His love and grace anew.

3. Come Clean

The third key to spiritual renewal is the call to come clean. James 4:8 urges us to “cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts.” This is a call to repentance, acknowledging our sins and shortcomings before God. As we draw closer to Him, the light of His presence reveals the areas in our lives that need cleansing. It’s crucial to embrace this process of repentance, as it opens the door to deeper intimacy with God. When we confess and release our sins, we position ourselves to receive His grace and renewal.

4. Come Low

Finally, we are called to submit to God’s will. James 4:7 instructs us to “submit yourselves therefore to God.” Submission is not a sign of weakness; rather, it is a position of strength and trust in God’s plan for our lives. When we align ourselves with God’s will, we open ourselves to His power and authority. This submission is essential for experiencing true spiritual renewal, as it allows us to be vessels for His work in our lives and in the world around us.

Drawing near to God requires repentance, a willingness to acknowledge and release the sin in our lives. As we approach the light of God’s presence, the darkness within us is exposed, compelling us to seek cleansing and renewal. This process is essential for revival, as history shows that true revival is always preceded by repentance and humility. As we consecrate ourselves for the next 21 days, let us press in with intentionality and fervor, seeking God’s presence above all else.