Numbers are a tool that can help us understand if we are healthy or not.
  1. You can’t improve something if you don’t know the numbers. It’s hard to make improvements if we go by feelings or guessing. Take an honest look at what the numbers say.
  2. You need to know where to direct your time and attention. Put more time in the areas of need.
  3. You can better lead your team if you know where the numbers are leading you. Numbers tell a story and also what to celebrate. Your team also needs clear goals.
  4. Knowing the numbers makes it harder to hide. We need to be honest with ourselves.
  5. You will be more effective and energized. You will reach more people and accomplish more ministry.
  • The business world has quarterly reviews of numbers.
  • The people are the mission. We have the most important mission in the world.
  • Which is more important Apple or the local church? Why do we allow lower standards in the church?
  • Once a quarter your BTC is going to look at the numbers.
  • The purpose is to focus on church health and growth.
  • Goal is to identify an area to focus on and then take action steps.
  • Returning to why we call it BTC – breaking through ceilings