
Download Resources: 90 Day Giving Challenge

How does the 90 Day Giving Challenge work?

The 90 Day Giving Challenge is designed to help people take their next step along the giving ladder. The goal is to move people who have never given before, to the step where they give to God regularly and in an accountable way (via online or envelope). For those who are already giving, we are challenging them to move to tithing, giving God the first 10% of their income. And for those who are currently tithing, we are challenging them to give above and beyond their regular giving, what the Bible calls an offering.

When someone signs up, they will receive a series of emails with a devotional on financial stewardship, a video testimony of someone who trusted God with their finances and saw God provide for them, and additional resources and tools to help them on the journey.

Here’s how your location can participate:

  1. Download the resources above
  2. Print out the cards and posters to promote the challenge
  3. Use the slides to explain the challenge and invite people to sign up on Sunday
  4. Collect the cards and enter them into our database at
  5. Ask your congregation to share their story over the next 90 days