Watch the video above for an example of good announcements.

How to transition from worship

Read a scripture. I like using Psalms because they offer great room for reflection and meditation. People have shared how powerful it is hearing God’s Word at the end of a worship set. Their hearts are prepared and ready to receive the Word with gladness.

Pray. Offer a prayer for that morning and for the rest of the service. Be sensitive to what is happening during the worship time. Maybe there is a lyric from a song or picture that comes to your mind that you can pray about.

Pray together. Invite the congregation to take a moment to pause and pray together. This could be for one another, the church, our city, or even a current event that is taking place.

Clap! Give praise to God. Clap your hands and shout for joy. If we don’t the rocks and trees will!


How to welcome people

Goodmorning! My name is _________________________ and on behalf of New Life Community Church I want to welcome you this morning and say thank you for joining us for worship! Please take a moment to find someone new and greet those around you.

(pause for welcome) 1-2 minutes

On your way in this morning you received a bulletin. Please take that out and read through it this week. I’d like to highlight just a few things for us this morning.


How to explain the Connect Card

If this is your first or second time here, we’d like to invite you to fill out our Connect Card. At the end of the service, we have a free gift for you as our way of saying thanks for coming and we hope to see you again soon! You can use this card to update your contact information if it has changed or use the back of the card for prayer requests or questions you may have.


How to format your announcements

Inspiration: Christmas is a great time for giving back and helping others.

Information: For the next 3 weeks we are collecting winter coats, hats, gloves and scarves to give to the homeless this Christmas.

Action Step: Stop by the info center after service and drop your items off in the labeled bins. (this needs to be one simple step)


How to communicate during the offering

Stories. Tell a personal story of how the ministry at your church has impacted you or someone else.

Scriptures. Read a scripture that talks about money, giving, generosity and sacrifice. We have 52 chances a year to teach people about giving. (Note, this is not a sermon!)

Statistics. Share some numbers about a recent event that has taken place. For example, “We had 150 children at are Awana invitational this past Saturday and we took second place!”

After the offering, simply say “Thank you” and step off the platform. There is often a video at this point and the tech team will dim the lights and cue the video. If not, the pastor will be on deck to come up to the stage.

Download and print this training overview.